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期中题型专练-补全对话- 2023-2024学年 八年级英语下册 牛津译林版根据对话内容,从文后选出恰当的选项补全对话,有一个选项是多余的。A: Hello, Li Ming. 1B: I go to school by bike.A: I like biking. But my parents won’t let me. 2B: How do you get to school A: 3B: Is it crowded on the underground A: 4 It is not very comfortable because there are many people.B: 5A: That’s a good idea, but it’s too expensive for me.B: That’s true.A.They think it’s a bit dangerous.B.I often take the underground.C.Yes, it is.D.How do you go to school every day E.Why don’t you take a taxi F.Which is the fastest way to go to school 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Hi, Wang Hai. 6 B: Not bad. What about you A: Pretty good. I’m learning tennis in a club.B: Tennis A: Yes, but I’m not very good at it now.B: 7 A: Once a week. It’s very interesting and relaxing. Do you want to go with me B: 8 . But I’m very busy next weekend.A: 9 B: My cousin is coming. I’m going to take her to the fun park.A: That’s a good place. 10 .B: Thank you.根据对话内容,选出恰当的句子补全对话。A: Hi, David! 11B: Pretty good! I went to Shenzhen.A: 12B: Of course. It’s near Hong Kong. It was a small village about thirty years ago, but today it’s a big city.A: So it’s a newer city than Hong Kong B: Yes. In fact, it only became important in the 1980s. And it’s getting bigger and busier. Maybe some day it will be as busy as Hong Kong.A: 13B: They are clean and wide (宽的). I think it’s a beautiful city.A: How were the people there B: 14A: Sounds great! I want to go there one day.B: I’m sure you’ll have fun there.A: 15B: You’re welcome.A.They were really friendly and helpful.B.What about the streets C.Thanks for sharing (分享) so much with me!D.How was your last vacation E.Can you tell me something about Shenzhen M-Mother; J-JaneM: Jane! Jane! It’s time to get up.J: 16M: It’s 7:30.J: 17M: Don’t worry, Jane. You can go to school with your father.J: 18M: He often goes to work by bus. But he is going to work by car today.J: Car Oh, I almost forget. 19M: So you can go to school by car today!J: 20A.How do you go to school B.We have a new car.C.Yes, that’s great.D.Oh! I’m late.E.How is he going to work today F.What’s the time G.It’s too early.A: Hello, Lucy! Did you go anywhere interesting yesterday B: 21 . I just stayed at home because I had a toothache.A: Sorry to hear that. Are you much better now B: Yes. I went to the dentist later.A: 22 B: Oh, once every few years.A: You should go to the dentist every six months.B: Yes, you’re right. Did you have a good time yesterday A: Yes. I went to a small village.B: 23 A: Yes, I went there by bike.B: 24 A: I went there with my sister. We visited the village and ate lunch there.B: 25 A: The food tasted really good.请先阅读下面对话,根据对话内容从文后选择恰当的选项子填入空白处,使对话通顺、合理,意思完整。(每空一句)A: How was your vacation, Li Lei B: 26 I went to Beijing with my parents.A: Cool! Where did you go in Beijing B: 27A: What do you think of Beijing B: It’s interesting. I really like the Palace Museum. 28A: Did you see any popular stars B: Yes, I do. I saw Jackie Chan on the Great Wall. 29A: Wow, that’s great! Can you show me the photos B: Sure. 30A.It was great!B.I went there by plane.C.And I took some photos with him!D.What does Jackie Chan look like E.I will bring them to school tomorrow.F.It has many beautiful things from different dynasties(朝代).G.We went to the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum, the Great Wall and so on.根据对话内容,从选项选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两项为多余项。A: Hello, Zhang Wei. 31B: Wuhan, a beautiful city.A: What’s the best way to go back there B: By plane.A: 32B: Yes, I think so.A: Is it a good choice to go by train B: 33A: I’d like to travel to Wuhan one day.B: 34A: By ship.B: Why A: Because I can see the scenery along the way. 35A.Where is your hometown B.Is it the most comfortable way for you to go by plane C.You have four ways to travel.D.It can also help me save some money.E.What is your favorite way to travel F.What is the cheapest way to get there G.It’s hard to say. I think traveling by plane is more comfortable than by train.从选项中选择正确选项。(有1个选项与对话内容无关)(Jim and Eric are planning their trip to Universal Beijing Resort (北京环球度假区) on summer vacation.)A: Eric, I heard that Universal Beijing Resort is now open. How about going there for fun B: 36 But it’s the holiday season now. We need to book tickets online now.A: You’re right. Let’s see... There are some tickets. 37B: That’s for sure. 38A: 638 yuan each.B: Do you have any ideas about where to stay A: No. There aren’t any cheap hotels nearby.B: Well. 39A: Good idea! Look at these three. 40 It only takes us five minutes to walk to the subway station.B: Great! Let’s book it right now!A.That sounds exciting.B.How much are the tickets C.Sorry, I’m not interested in it.D.Why don’t we stay in a youth hostel (青年旅舍) E.Of them, Peking Youth Hostel is the most convenient (方便的).F.But the tickets are much more expensive than those in the off-season (淡季).情景交际。(根据对话内容,选择适当的句子完成对话)M: Hello, Nick! Long time no see.W: Yes, I went to Qingdao on vacation.M: Really Qingdao is a beautiful city. 41W: I went with my sister.M: 42W: We stayed there for a week.M: 43W: We visited Qingdao Museum, the Olympic Sailing Center and the May 4th Square.M: Sounds wonderful! One more question, 44W: Everything tasted really good.M: Lucky you! 45A.What did you do there B.How long did you stay there C.how was the food there D.I hope to go there on my next vacation.E.Who did you go with A: Hi, Lucy. How was your National Day holiday B: Kind of boring. 46A: Didn’t you go anywhere B: I just went to the zoo with my parents. 47A: I went to New York.B: What place did you visit there A: 48 And I took many beautiful photos.B: 49A: Of course. I will show them to you later.B: 50A: You are welcome.A.Can I have a look at them B.I just stayed at home most of the time.C.What about you, Tom D.How did you feel E.I visited Fifth Avenue and the Empire State Building(帝国大厦).F.Thank you.G.I’m not sure.根据对话内容,选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整。(选项中有两项是多余的)A: Hi, Lily! Long time no see! 51B: Well. I went to China for my summer holiday.A: 52B: It’s very wonderful. I like the Chinese food and the friendly people there.A: Who did you go there with B: My sister. She likes travelling very much.A: Oh Who’s more outgoing, your sister or you B: 53A: Did you often exercise during the holiday 54B: Twice a week. And we often go out to walk. Sometimes we went to the theatre, too.A: 55B: I think Red Star Theatre is the best. It’s very fun in it. I still want to go there now.A.Where did you go on holidays B.Which is the best theater there C.When do you exercise D.What do you think of it E.I’m more outgoing than her.F.How often do you exercise G.What would you like to do on holiday 根据对话内容,从对话后面的选项中选出填入空白处的最佳选项。(每个选项限用一次)A: Hi, Cindy! Long time no see.B: Hi, John! Yes. 56A: How long did you stay there B: For a week.A: 57B: It was great. I visited many places. And the most exciting place was Disneyland.A: 58B: Yes. It was crowded. I saw many Disney characters walking around the park.A: Did you take any pictures with them B: Of course I did. I took pictures with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.A: Wow! Wonderful! 59B: If you do, you’ll certainly enjoy yourself.A.Were there many people in Disneyland B.I hope to go there one day.C.How was your trip D.I went to Shanghai on vacation last month.参考答案:1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.E【导语】本文为A、B两人的对话。对话主要讨论了上学的交通方式。1.根据“I go to school by bike”可知,在询问对方是如何去上学的。选项D“你每天怎么去上学”符合语境。故选D。2.根据“I like biking. But my parents won’t let me”可知,此处是介绍骑自行车上学的缺点。选项A“他们认为这有点危险”符合语境。故选A。3.根据“How do you get to school”和“Is it crowded on the underground”可知,此处应介绍自己坐地铁上学。选项B“我经常乘地铁”符合语境。故选B。4.根据“Is it crowded on the underground”和“It is not very comfortable because there are many people”可知,问句为一般疑问句,此处应用Yes作肯定回答。选项C“是的,很拥挤”符合语境。故选C。5.根据“That’s a good idea, but it’s too expensive for me”可知,此处在提议另一种交通方式,且价格较贵。选项E“你为什么不打车呢”符合语境。故选E。6.How’s it going/How are you 7.How often do you play/learn it/ go to the club 8.Sure/Of course/I’d love to 9.Why/Why are you busy next weekend/What are you going to do 10.Have fun/Have a good time/Enjoy yourselves【导语】本文是一段对话,主要内容是A向B询问近况,B回答“不错”,然后A告诉B他在俱乐部学网球,邀请B一起去,但B因为要带表妹去游乐园而拒绝了。6.根据答句“Not bad. What about you ”可知,此处两人互相询问对方的近况。故填How’s it going/How are you。7.根据上文“I’m learning tennis in a club.”和答句“Once a week.”可知,对方提及了自己在一个俱乐部学习打网球,所以此处询问对方学习打网球/去这个俱乐部的频度。故填How often do you play/learn it/go to the club。8.根据上文“Do you want to go with me ”可知,此处询问是否愿意一起去俱乐部,结合下文“But I’m very busy next weekend.”可知,应表达想去,但是太忙了没时间。故填Sure/Of course/I’d love to。9.根据上文“But I’m very busy next weekend.”和下文“My cousin is coming. I’m going to take her to the fun park.”可知,对方提及自己很忙,并说明了忙什么/忙的原因,所以此处询问对方要忙于做什么/忙的原因。故填Why/Why are you busy next weekend/What are you going to do。10.根据上文“I’m going to take her to the fun park.”可知,对方要出门玩,应祝福对方玩得开心。故填Have fun/Have a good time/Enjoy yourselves。11.D 12.E 13.B 14.A 15.C【导语】本文是A与B的对话,主要内容是B向A介绍了深圳的基本情况。11.根据“Pretty good! I went to Shenzhen.”可知,空处询问假期怎么样,去了哪里。D项“你上次度假怎么样?”符合语境,故选D。12.根据“Of course. It’s near Hong Kong. It was a small village about thirty years ago, but today it’s a big city.”可知,问句询问深圳的具体信息。E项“你能告诉我一些深圳的情况吗?”符合语境,故选E。13.根据“They are clean and wide (宽的). I think it’s a beautiful city”可知,空处应是询问深圳的街道如何。B项“街道呢?”符合语境,故选B。14.根据“How were the people there ”可知,空处应是对人的评价。A项“他们真的很友好,乐于助人。”符合语境,故选A。15.根据“You’re welcome.”可知,空处应是表达感谢。C项“谢谢你和我分享这么多!”符合语境,故选C。16.F 17.D 18.E 19.B 20.C【导语】本文是一则对话,Jane上学要迟到了,但是今天可以坐爸爸的车去上学。16.根据“It’s 7:30.”可知问时间。选项F“现在几点了?”符合语境,故选F。17.根据“Don’t worry, Jane. You can go to school with your father.”可知此处应介绍担心的事情。选项D“噢!我迟到了。”符合语境,故选D。18.根据“He often goes to work by bus. But he is going to work by car today.”可知问他今天是怎么去上班的。选项E“他今天怎么去上班?”符合语境,故选E。19.根据“Car Oh, I almost forget. ”可知有一辆车。选项B“我们有一辆新车。”符合语境,故选B。20.根据“So you can go to school by car today!”可知今天可以坐车上学,选项C“是的,太好了。”符合语境,故选C。21.No, I didn’t 22.How often do you go to the dentist 23.Did you go there by bike 24.Who did you go there with 25.How was the food there【导语】本文为A和B的对话,他们谈论了昨天各自做的事情,B去看牙医,A则是和姐姐一起骑车去一个村子里游玩。21.根据下一句“I just stayed at home because I had a toothache.”可知,因为牙痛待在家里,说明应作否定回答。故填No, I didn’t。22.根据上一句“I went to the dentist later.”和下一句“Oh, once every few years.”可知,B每几年去看一次牙医,说明此处询问看牙医的频率,应用how often引导的特殊疑问句来提问。故填How often do you go to the dentist。23.根据下一句“Yes, I went there by bike.”可知,作了肯定回答,说明问句询问“你是不是骑自行车去那里?”,应用did引导的一般过去时的一般疑问句来提问。故填Did you go there by bike。24.根据下一句“I went there with my sister.”可知,询问的是跟谁一起去,应用who引导的特殊疑问句来提问。故填Who did you go there with。25.根据下一句“The food tasted really good.”可知,询问的是那里的食物怎么样,应用how引导的特殊疑问句来提问。故填How was the food there。26.A 27.G 28.F 29.C 30.E【导语】本文两人谈论了李磊的假期活动。26.根据“How was your vacation,”可知此处是对假期的评价,选项A“非常好”符合语境。故选A。27.根据“Where did you go in Beijing”可知此处回答去了哪里,选项G“我们去了颐和园、故宫、长城等等”符合语境。故选G。28.根据“I really like the Palace Museum”可知此处介绍故宫,选项F“它有许多不同朝代的美丽事物”符合语境。故选F。29.根据“I saw Jackie Chan on the Great Wall”可知在长城上看到成龙,选项C“我和他拍了一些照片”符合语境。故选C。30.根据“Can you show me the photos”可知会给对方拿照片,选项E“我明天带它们去学校”符合语境。故选E。31.A 32.B 33.G 34.E 35.D【导语】本文是二人关于旅行方式的对话。31.根据“Wuhan, a beautiful city.”可知,此处介绍一个城市,选项A“你的家乡在哪里?”符合语境,故选A。32.根据“By plane.”和“Yes, I think so.”可知,此处是一个一般疑问句,与坐飞机相关,选项B“坐飞机对你来说是最舒服的方式吗?”符合语境,故选B。33.根据“Is it a good choice to go by train ”可知,此处应是对坐火车的评价,选项G“这很难说。我认为乘飞机旅行比乘火车更舒适。”符合语境,故选G。34.根据“By ship.”可知,此处介绍自己喜欢的旅行方式,选项E“你最喜欢的旅行方式是什么?”符合语境,故选E。35.根据“Why ”和“Because I can see the scenery along the way.”可知,此处介绍原因,选项D“它也可以帮我节省一些钱。”符合语境,故选D。36.A 37.F 38.B 39.D 40.E【导语】本对话是关于Jim和Eric计划去北京环球度假区旅行的准备。36.根据上文“How about going there for fun ”可知,建议去北京环球度假区玩,选项A“这听起来让人激动。”符合语境,表示同意。故选A。37.根据上文“Let’s see... There are some tickets.”可知,此句会介绍票的情况,选项F“但是门票比淡季的要贵得多。”符合语境。故选F。38.根据下文“638 yuan each.”可知,此句询问票价,选项B“这些票多少钱?”符合语境,故选B。39.根据“There aren’t any cheap hotels nearby…Good idea!”可知,建议住哪个旅馆,选项D“我们为什么不住在青年旅社呢?”符合语境,故选D。40.根据“Look at these three…It only takes us five minutes to walk to the subway station.”可知,青年旅舍方便,选项E“其中北京青年旅舍是最方便的。”符合语境。故选E。41.E 42.B 43.A 44.C 45.D【导语】本文是一则对话,对话的主要内容是W向M介绍了自己的青岛之旅。41.根据“I went with my sister.”可知,上句应该询问和谁去的。选项E“你和谁一起去的?”符合情境。故选E。42.根据“We stayed there for a week.”可知,上句询问多长时间。选项B“你在那里待了多久?”符合情境。故选B。43.根据“We visited Qingdao Museum, the Olympic Sailing Center and the May 4th Square.”可知,此处介绍了参观了哪些地方。选项A“你在那里做了什么 ”符合情境。故选A。44.根据“Everything tasted really good.”可知,此处介绍了青岛的食物。选项C“那里的食物怎么样?”符合情境。故选C。45.根据“Lucky you!”可知,此处表示希望。选项D“我希望下个假期能去那里。”符合情境。故选D。46.B 47.C 48.E 49.A 50.F【导语】本文是Lucy和Tom谈论国庆假期的事。46.根据“Didn’t you go anywhere ”可知Lucy没去哪里,B选项“我大多数时间就是待在家”符合情景。故选B。47.根据“I went to New York.”可知此处Lucy询问Tom去哪里了,C选项“你呢,Tom”符合情景。故选C。48.根据“What place did you visit there ”可知回答应为具体地点,E选项“我去了第五大道和帝国大厦”符合情景。故选E。49.根据“And I took many beautiful photos.”和“Of course. I will show them to you later.”可知Lucy想要看一下拍摄的照片,A选项“我能看一下它们吗”符合情景。故选A。50.根据“You are welcome.”可知此处是致谢,F选项“谢谢”符合情景。故选F。51.A 52.D 53.E 54.F 55.B【导语】本文是A和B谈论假期的一些活动情况。51.根据“Well. I went to China for my summer holiday.”可知,此处应是问对方假期去哪里了,选项A“你假期去哪儿了?”符合,故选A。52.根据“It’s very wonderful. I like the Chinese food and the friendly people there.”可知,此处问的是对中国的评价,选项D“你觉得怎么样?”符合,故选D。53.根据“Who’s more outgoing, your sister or you ”可知,此处应是回答更外向的是某个人,选项E“我比她更外向。”符合,故选E。54.根据“Twice a week.”可知,此处问的是频率,选项F“你多久锻炼一次?”符合,故选F。55.根据“I think Red Star Theatre is the best.”可知,此处应是问最好的剧院是哪个,选项B“那里最好的剧院是哪一家?”符合,故选B。56.D 57.C 58.A 59.B【导语】本文是Cindy与John之间的对话,主要谈论了Cindy的上海迪士尼之行。56.根据“How long did you stay there ”及下文“I visited many places. And the most exciting place was Disneyland.”可知,此处说的是去度假了。选项D“上个月我去上海度假了”符合,故选D。57.根据答语“It was great.”可知,此处应询问Cindy的假期怎么样,选项C“你旅行怎么样”符合,故选C。58.根据答语“Yes. It was crowded. I saw many Disney characters walking around the park.”可知,此处应用一般疑问句,询问迪士尼是否有很多人,选项A“迪斯尼乐园有很多人吗”符合,故选A。59.根据“Wow! Wonderful!”及答语“If you do, you’ll certainly enjoy yourself.”可知,此处应表达自己也想去迪士尼的愿望。选项B“我希望有一天能去那里”符合,故选B。






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